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verb.  /you – talize/  - Definition: to make the most of your time, energy and resources


I am a creative optimizer

I’d like to work with you to make the most of what your work, home or business have to offer. I would love to help you…

  • Manage your projects or events

  • Make your space inviting and functional

  • Add a piece of artwork to brighten your space!

We can work together in person or remotely

While most people tend to function heavily with either their left brain (analytical) or right brain (creative), mine bounces pretty equally between the two. My left brain enables me to focus on the details of complex projects, while my right brain magnifies color and spatial aesthetics. I collaborate with organizations and individuals at the crossroads of creativity, optimization and innovation.


Project Mangement


I leverage 20+ years of diverse experience and an obsession with simplification and organization to help you navigate projects with ease and self sufficiency.

Creative Styling

I’ll work with you in your home, office or rental space to organize and Youtalize what you have. Adding finishing touches will pull everything together so your space is functional and reflects your uniqueness.

Original Artwork

Acrylic1 30x70 Vicyssitudes.JPG

Enter my creative mind and see how my original artwork brings color to life in abstract and emotive ways.

Pleased to meet you

If you’re curious to know how I got started and how I can help you, click below to learn about my journey.