

Dynamic equilibrium with a goal of optimization


TYPES OF projects i manage

Technology Implementations & Upgrades

Relocation, Logistical Moves, Remodels, Builds

Event Management

Alignment of Work and Home Obligations

Implement Efficiencies, Productivity + Streamline Process

Team Alignment, Clarify Roles, Define Communication Channels

Creative Styling-Décor, Design, Layout, Air BnB Optimization

My services



We can review how you’re managing your operations, technology, workflow, etc. We’ll identify room to streamline and implement efficiency in a manner that is repeatable and sustainable for continued success. We’ll find ways to control any chaos or disorganization.


Team Alignment

We can also apply optimization strategies to the alignment of people. Lots of confusion and lost time occurs when people aren’t clear on their role. An agreed upon, simple and concise communication plan will be mapped out. Good communication is THE key success factor in any project.



We’re all bombarded with media noise from videos, blogs, emails, books, websites, etc. It is easy to be confused and not know where to start. I will provide you with appropriate level of detail to get started, remain focused, stay on track and meet your objectives.



Shared files easily become dumping grounds of data leaving you searching for that one important piece of info. We can establish a process to streamline and ensure you have quick and easy access to pertinent information. This practice will keep you organized with minimal efforts and a few good habits.


My approach

For all projects….

  1. We’ll discuss your goals, objectives and requirements

  2. I’ll draft a schedule outlining all tasks, resources, dependencies and timeline

  3. We’ll review and I’ll update based on your feedback

At that point we’ll have a foundational plan of action which will be updated along the way. Projects can be managed in the manner that best suites your needs and your budget. The level of support is priced accordingly. Options include…


you lead

We develop a solid plan of action and get everything organized and ready to go. You implement the project and I go on my way.


I Lead

I can serve as the lead working with your team to complete the project. We’ll have periodic reviews to track progress, address issues, make necessary adjustments..


We Collab

We take a hybrid approach becoming Accountability Partners. You take the lead with joint status reviews and discuss next steps and any necessary adjustments.


my experience & Expertise

I have 20+ years of Project Management experience and a lifetime of being a strategic thinker who anticipates opportunities and obstacles while keeping an eye on the big picture. I’m adept at assessing complex situations and finding the quickest, most efficient path to a successful completion. I leverage years of experience to creatively solve problems in fast-paced environments. I create relationships to generate collaboration, alignment and simplicity around intricate problems. I’ve worked in a wide variety of industries including: software development, technology, security, medical, insurance, transportation, communications, government, software. I’m always looking for new experiences and thrive in new environments.


Strategic Planning

Oversight & Execution

Team Building

Decision Facilitation

Leadership Presentation


Project Management

Process Efficiency

Waterfall, Agile, Six Sigma, SDLC, ITIL

Reporting + Milestones

Quality Assurance


Customer Engagement

Stakeholder Moderation

Program Branding

Change + Impact Assessment

Team Building

Cool projects I’ve worked on

website ecosystem

Standardized and templatized web development for 200+ businesses - similar to a Square Space concept.



Enablement of US and Australian Naval carriers to communicate via Voice Over IP on a classified network while at sea which had never been done before and is still in use today!


$12B contract which consolidated 5000 Navy & Marine networks into one extremely secure network - replaced all infrastructure, computers, printers and software.


logisticAl moves

From building to building, location to location, home to home. If well planned and organized, moves can be less stressful and costly allowing you settle in much quicker.


Oversight of contractors and tradesman completing various home remodels.


veterans affairs

Led $30M project to replace 65K VOIP phones and networks at 27 Veterans Affairs Hospitals across the US. It was completed in 1 year, on budget and obtained a high government rating!

What People Are Saying

Nancy and I worked together on a client project and I am so impressed with her customer-centric project management style. Highly professional, Nancy is direct and thorough, with attention to detail second to none. Nancy always sought to understand the customer and through this empathy always put the customer's needs first, and the customer really appreciated that she made the effort to get to know them and advocate for their needs. Nancy's direct communication style lends itself to project management and most importantly, Nancy always follows through on what she says she is going to do. That might seem simple, but I still find it to be a rare quality.


Nancy is a seasoned Project Manager with experience leading on-site and virtual teams in technology implementation and configuration initiatives. She demonstrates a high degree of agility in navigating complex organizational environments, and strong capabilities managing multiple work streams through aggressive delivery timelines. Nancy is a excellent communicator and collaborative team member, inspiring trust and confidence in those she works with.


“I had the privilege to work with Nancy while working for a small company, Net Conn. Nancy interviewed me and took a chance on me- I had the capability and needed the mentorship and guidance of a strong female supervisor. I found that and more in Nancy. She demonstrated strong leadership skills in a challenging work environment, excellent communication skills with the team and our customers, and organizational skills while managing numerous simultaneous projects. Nancy was friendly and helpful while also holding our team to her high standards in everything we produced. Our clients trusted our team due to Nancy's leadership, and our company president relied on Nancy's expertise to guide our work and on-site decisions, frequently joining our team to assist us in whatever Nancy needed. Nancy's level of integrity, class, and work ethic are true assets in any work environment.