
I almost didn’t start my business


I had a limiting belief that I needed to narrow in on one of my many interests before I did. After much deliberation, I finally embraced that I’m not a one trick pony and that is a good thing.  I’m extremely organized, detail oriented and love getting things done. At the same time I’m very attuned to colors, texture and how surroundings impact our sensory experience - perhaps a bit erratic - free spirited for sure.

I have always loved art and I have a passion for interior design. It is typical for me to mentally reorganize a room I walk into and think about how it could altered to it’s the most optimal. I am always on the lookout for a simpler, more efficient way of doing things.  I lovingly blame my mother for instilling her waste not, want not perspective on me. I was lucky to have a strong work ethic instilled in me by my family. Being a single mom honed my skills of making the most of my time, resources, and money.  I had to learn to be efficient both at home and at work – and in between.

Most of my career has been working for the government and big companies that get bogged down with overly complex processes (or none at all) and massive miscommunications. I have witnessed a great deal of time and money wasted often without the desired results. I built my reputation on dissecting complex situations and finding more efficient ways to execute. (some have even called me an efficiency ninja.) I find joy in controlling chaos, solving problems and getting people on the same page so things get done. 

Youtalize is my offering where I am able to parlay my 20+ years of project management experience, my passion for art and design and my deep seated values for efficiency to help you get the most out of what your business and life have to offer you.

Thank you for being here, I can’t wait to learn more about you.